Whatever happened to the Milky Bar kid? He was the face of Milky Bars for decades. A pony riding, gun toting, Stetson wearing, cowboy (literally a boy) in wire rimmed round glasses. He had a Sherriff’s badge and came with the catchphrase, “The Milky Bars are on me!” – cue much celebration from everyone else …
I love this stuff. If there is one thing we Brits know how to do, it is take the mickey. In fact, collectively mocking something or someone seems to be one of the few National activities that unites the country these days. Take That singer, Gary Barlow, and his son, Daniel, are the latest targets …
Years ago, me and my wife made the slightly mental decision to go camping with our 4 year old and our three-month-old newborn. We were initially hesitant about taking our little one into the great outdoors at such a young age, but after thorough research and preparation, we had a fantastic experience. A friend asked …
As you can probably tell by my pen name, I am a devoted coffee lover. I love the stuff, but I’ve often found myself pondering the effects of my daily caffeine intake. We all know that too much caffeine is bad for us, and with several cups of coffee fuelling my day, I began to …
As a father of young children, I work hard all year and love to let loose during the festive season. It’s nice to be able to say ‘yes’ to everything for a change. However, the abundance of mince pies, roast dinners, and celebratory drinks inevitably leads to a bit of holiday weight gain – usually …
I’m now on my third home, so I’ve painted more rooms than I can count. So I’ve learned a thing or two about achieving a professional-looking paint job along the way. In this guide, I’ll share my top tips and tricks for painting a room like a pro, from choosing the right tools to applying …
After renovating two houses in my life so far, I’ve learned the hard way that proper preparation is the key to a professional-looking paint job. I know it’s tempting to grab a roller and dive right in, especially as a busy Dad who doesn’t have the luxury of time, but trust me – skipping the …
Alright, dads, gather ’round. This is going to blow your sleep addled minds. For years, I’ve been starting my day all wrong, and chances are, you might be doing the same. That steaming cup of coffee we reach for as soon as our feet hit the floor? Turns out, it might be doing us more …
The winter holidays can be a challenging time for families navigating the complexities of divorce. Emotions often run high, and managing expectations can feel overwhelming, particularly if you’re getting the extended family together for Christmas. However, with thoughtful planning and a focus on children’s well-being, it’s possible to create a peaceful and enjoyable holiday season for …
I love steak night. The mere thought of it gets the taste buds tingling, doesn’t it? But let’s be honest, while lots of us profess to love it, we don’t really know all that much about it. Cooking the perfect steak is often a bit of a heat it and hope situation. Well, that ends …